Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis "pengalaman saat penulisan Ilmiah (PI)"

My experience while writing Scientific Writing ( PI )

This experience began when I entered college level 6 or 6 semester can be referred to , where the rule is that every student is obliged to follow the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH . I am at 4ea20 classes , where each class get 2 lecturers . On that day , we were collected by a professor named Present Hudiyanto pack . Where the lecturer brought a hiatus , which is absent divides two groups A and B where group A, will be guided by faculty with mrs. tiwi name , while group B with the name of Mr. Hadir . Absent was begun, with the results I get in group B , with lecturers present pack . It was my first experience guided by Mr. Hadir, although the first impression we saw a pack Comes the firm , but it was reversed to pack sharpness saved properties present a good and patient .

At that time we were immediately given a briefing by Mr. Hadir in writing , where we are taught to write properly research . At that point in mind my mind , I was still puzzling over what title I would thoroughly on the study . I continued to listen to a briefing delivered by lecturers pereceptor me . My first day meeting ended with motivation given Present pack , where we have the spirit in working scientific writing .

In the evening I find a reference to determine the title for my writing , I keep looking at that time in various references such as book or internet media . Days passed and I was not still find an appropriate title for my science writing materials . Until I tried it on my senior , who happens to be his lectures at the university Gunadarma . At that time I often asking about scientific writing and provide input and ideas over my writing . At that time my home area , there is a kebab business and when it was my senior also said " why take the title kebab ga wrote " where the kebab business is a business owned my neighbors . I was thinking and begin to have an idea to make scientific writing about the kebab business . But I am still confused about what I would carefully at the business .

Sunday passed , where I met with my supervisor . I was consulting to my supervisor about the kebab business . According to him about the business good , stay what will be studied . He also gives the choice of the business by giving option that is , research on customer satisfaction or sales forecasting . During that time I was confused over the choice until finally I thought of home and the ask to my senior .

When at home I was looking for references on research on customer satisfaction and sales forecasting , and I also ask the opinion of my friend above them . And their answers were different to me too confused over the choice . Until long time . Because my friends already have Title respectively , while I do not have titles . Until finally I got enlightenment where I took the research on business sales forecast kebab kebab with the charter .
When I asked the lecturer preceptor for consultation , until finally I met with my preceptor . I provide obstruction title is " Forecasting Analysis ( forecasting) at qudzy kebab business in the area Cipinang " and while it is also a lecturer preceptor I agree on that title . Although the new title I can , I am very happy because I've made the title approved by the lecturer preceptor me .

I also start with Chapter 1 I , where the contents of Chapter 1 is an introduction . Making preliminary chapter 1 I think this is easy because there are already references given by my friend so stay I developed . Until I finally met with my professor . Although I was a little nervous . I presume I gave chapter 1 . Currently I am getting nervous checked afraid there are errors in my writing . Until finally writing my first chapter preceptor approved by me , although there is some improvement in terms of my writing .

Furthermore, I also started on chapter 2 , the same as chapter 1 I make writing smoothly . And approved by the lecturer preceptor me . I also continue to chapter 3 , together with the subsequent chapter 3 was passed . Well the problem occurs in chapter 4 , chapter 4 where this was the chapter that difficult for me . Because here there is a discussion and calculation long time  my writing . I'm working on chapter 4 of this almost two weeks , to the point that I contacted my lecturer preceptor. Because there is no progress over my scientific writing . Until finally I met was my professor , and he explains how the calculation . When I started doing research  way until finally I succeeded in completing the writing in chapter 4 . Chapter 4 and was approved by the lecturer preceptor  me . Then I was further in Chapter 5 , the conclusion here was I there are obstacles , but I was able to finish everything . Although there are revisions given by my lecturer preceptor.

Days passed , I also have completed my scientific writing . And I also met my preceptor lecturer who was at the same time with the friends I want to ask the probate scientific writing . We also met a pack Comes the time that he served in the Depok campus . We also rejoice in our writing legalization . It is a difficult thing forgotten by me .

A few weeks later after I tidy up my writing to hard cover and I 've made ​​my presentation form . I enrolled into the scientific writing session to register it . At that time I get a schedule on 26 August 2013. 's Day passed , and I was very nervous and scare over the hearing. Day after day went by , I was preparing myself for the trial . Until finally , the awaited day came . I started the session with a feeling very nervous and very scared.I get the order time to three . Where all my friends one by one entry to the trial , I wondered to my friend who had a trial , what do in room trial . Until my turn came , I was called into . The fear was haunting me . I start the prayer to start the presentation , I also start my presentation , to finish and lecturers also asked a question about my research . At that time I was responsible for all that is asked , and it turns out the atmosphere in the room is not the same as I plan . The atmosphere inside was very comfortable . Until finally I was finished session . How relieved and happy I was able to finish the job right . Until finally I wait for further notice . Where I was told by my supervisor that bu liez session to revise my scientific writing .

Until finally I followed all desired by my lecturer . Finally it's done scientific writing until approved by the instructor . Until the trial is submitted pass . The struggle has not ended up there . Furthermore struggle I continued to ask for an autograph to all campus which oversees scientific writing , I Jakarta - Depok commute by train . But as another step in the process . Disaster came to my home where I burn in november . Where all burned down , including my scientific writing . I was very sad , so I never gave up . My friends also gave encouragement to me to me to continue my fight until assigned the certificate .

That's my experience that I want to share to the readers , how the value of the struggle of our current scientific writing tasks . And I was very thanks love for my friends and everybody who has become my support . Especially my parents . A few of my experience , if there is an error in word or writing please forgive. Thank you .

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